
The best place to start a genealogy Ancestry search is actually your own home. The way to begin is by writing down your immediate family history that you yourself know. Genealogy family tree searches are at the same time horizontal and vertical in nature, so you should locate yourself, your brothers and sisters, on the same line or level.  But it is difficult to Find Someone In Another Country.   Especially if they are your relatives.

Next, start by asking questions, if relatives are available. Call or write to any known living relatives, such as aunts and uncles, cousins, etc, and ask if they can provide you with the information for themselves and for each relative they can remember; even partial details are better than none. Wondering what you should you ask about?

Helpful information for your search includes first and last names, dates and places of birth and death, names of children and parents, and dates of their birth and death. This type of information is priceless. Any letters you get having such information, should be kept forever, as it will become a family heirloom paper for later generations, and these days why not scan them into a computer file or PDF for digital archiving?

Searching people’s Ancestry.

Did you know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormons) gathers and maintains international genealogy search records? They claim to have the largest genealogy library in the world, known as the Family History Library. In addition, it has 3,400 family member search history centers and over 2,000,000 rolls of microfilm.

How the church keeps records of people’s heritage.

AncestryRecords the church keeps include infant blessings, confirmations, baptisms, marriages, and deaths. The church also encourages members to keep records, and this input results in temple records, newspapers, magazines, membership records, and journals also being available. Biographies, church censuses from 1914, church histories, and various other items of research are also available from them. Not all of this is available online, but the church does have a free Internet Family Search service.

Speaking of computers, there are many types of the family tree and genealogy search software. Some are downloadable online for free or for purchase, and some can be found at your local computer or department stores. Software packages often include a limited membership to online databases for genealogy search work. Any trial offer, limited to two months, for instance, should be used as much as possible so you get full value for your purchase.